Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tall, Tall, Tall

Our house has 10-12 foot ceilings. This makes anything shorter than oh, 9 feet feel skimpy. Including the shower curtain in the kids' bath. A regular shower curtain just seemed so short! So I decided to DIY a taller one. I liked the one we'd had for a couple years and a year or so after I got it I picked up a fabric shower liner (instead of the plastic ones) that had matched it pretty well. So I picked up another one from Walmart (Target stopped carrying the shower curtain we had otherwise I would have just used another one). I cut the shower curtain and new liner into strips. I decided my strips would be about 18" but I really just looked at it and decided, not much math involved. I alternated sewing the shower curtain and liner until it was tall enough. Then I used the rest of the liner to sew onto my old shower liner to extend that as well. I made sure that my liner was about 4-6 inches shorter than the curtain so it wouldn't be sitting so low in the tub. It's so hard to capture what a dramatic difference it makes in this tiny little bathroom (with no natural light).


ugh.  Highwater shower curtain


Do any of you have super tall ceilings?  I'm dreading doing curtains!

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